Top-Rated CBT Therapy NYC

Takeaway: If you want to better understand how your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors connect, consider cognitive behavioral therapy. Our team is proud to offer CBT therapy in NYC, an evidence-based therapy approach that can help you gain insight and feel more in control. Meet our therapists below and reach out today to get started.

cbt therapy nyc.

How Does Cognitive Behavior Therapy Work?

We often have clients come to us who have heard about CBT Therapy or been told they might benefit from it but are unsure what it really means or if it's right for them. The techniques behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy work by helping you to identify and change unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors, leading to improved emotional well-being and coping skills. By exploring the power that these thoughts may be having, whether in individual therapy or group therapy, you'll be able to not only take control to shift them, but also be better equipped to deal with the various symptoms you may be experiencing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be incredibly effective for a variety of different areas of concern including anxiety, depression or mood disorders, panic attacks, insomnia, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety, behavioral problems, and relationship issues. By examining and shifting your unhelpful thoughts in the present moment, you'll gain a sense of agency over your overall experience and ultimately, your everyday life.

When you start working with a CBT therapist, the therapeutic process may begin with psychological assessments to better understand what symptoms you may be experiencing and your initial concerns and goals. Together with your therapist, you'll explore the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors linked to your challenges, laying the groundwork for targeted intervention. Through collaborative discussions and structured exercises, you'll begin to uncover patterns and develop practical strategies to address them.

About Madison Square Psychotherapy

At Madison Square Psychotherapy in New York City, we believe in empowering individuals through evidence-based practices like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). At the core of our work is our belief in the amazing capacity for human transformation and the power that the therapeutic alliance can have. Our approach integrates not only compassion and collaboration, but also scientifically-proven techniques to help you navigate life's challenges more effectively.

What sets us apart is our dedication to personalized care, tailoring CBT strategies to your own unique needs and goals. We believe that no two people who walk through our doors are the same, and their treatment should reflect that. Through structured sessions and practical exercises, our CBT therapists can help you to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors, foster resilience and promote positive change. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or life transitions, our compassionate and evidence-based approach equips you with the tools to navigate challenges effectively and enhance your overall well-being.


Common questions about cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is renowned for its effectiveness in treating a wide array of mental health issues. It shines particularly bright in addressing anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, generalized stress, and specific phobias. Moreover, CBT has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in managing depression by targeting negative thought patterns and fostering healthier cognitive and behavioral responses. It's also a go-to approach for addressing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other trauma, and eating disorders. At Madison Square Psychotherapy, we can help pair you with a CBT therapist who specializes in providing personalized therapy for anxiety, depression, life transitions, and trauma-related concerns. Our tailored approach ensures that you’ll receive the focused support you need to overcome these challenges and regain control of your life.

  • In the realm of CBT therapy, your therapist serves as both a skilled guide and a valued collaborator, assisting you to better understand the intricate interplay between your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. These therapists can help you to identify maladaptive thought patterns, which developed due to different experiences in your life but are no longer serving you. Once you and your therapist have pinpointed where and how these thought patterns come up, your therapist will help facilitate their transformation into more constructive alternatives. This often involves teaching you practical strategies to challenge and reframe negative thoughts, such as cognitive restructuring.

    Behavioral strategies like exposure therapy and behavioral “experiments” can also be used to help you confront fears and test out your new skills in a safe, supportive environment. Through a combination of insight-building, skill-building, and gradual exposure, your therapist will help empower you to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and confidence.

  • As one of the most well-researched therapy modalities, CBT has garnered substantial empirical support for its effectiveness across many mental health conditions. Research consistently demonstrates that CBT produces significant improvements in symptom severity and overall functioning for many adults. For instance, studies have shown CBT to be highly effective in treating anxiety disorders (social anxiety), with success rates ranging from 50% to 75%, depending on the specific disorder and treatment protocol.

    Moreover, meta-analyses have underscored CBT's efficacy in treating depression, with outcomes comparable to or even surpassing those of medication alone. One meta-analysis found that approximately 50% to 60% of individuals treated with CBT for depression showed clinically significant improvement.

    Through years of clinical experience, our therapists have been able to see firsthand the life-changing power that CBT can have when clients can feel they are in a safe and supportive setting. Our practice integrates the latest research findings with personalized, compassionate care to maximize outcomes for those seeking relief from mental health challenges.

  • While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is widely regarded as a highly effective approach, it's not without its criticisms. Some critics argue that CBT's focus on cognitive restructuring and symptom management may overlook underlying psychological issues or relational dynamics that can also be at play. Additionally, CBT's structured nature might not resonate with everyone, particularly those who prefer more exploratory or insight-oriented therapies. CBT's emphasis on challenging thoughts and behaviors may also feel overly directive to some clients, potentially feeling a bit rigid.

    At Madison Square Psychotherapy, we recognize that no single approach fits all, which is why we offer a range of evidence-based therapies beyond CBT. Our diverse modalities, including psychodynamic therapy, mindfulness-based approaches, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) ensure that you’ll receive tailored interventions aligned with your unique needs and preferences.

  • cognitive behavioral therapy nyc
  • cbt therapists in nyc
  • cognitive behavioral therapist nyc
  • cbt therapists nyc

3 of the best CBT therapists in NYC

1. Madeleine Phelan, LMSW

  • In-Person & Teletherapy

  • I'm here to help you navigate through those tough symptoms using CBT treatments. Together, we'll dig into how your thoughts, emotions, and behavior are connected and work on practical strategies to ease those symptoms. Whether you're looking for a structured approach with homework assignments or to look holistically at stuck behavior, I'm here to meet you where you're at. With a collaborative and empathetic approach, we'll tackle each challenge step by step, empowering you to regain control and find relief. I'm happy to meet with you both in our New York office or virtually from the comfort of your own home. If you're ready to start feeling better and making meaningful changes, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

2. Janel Coleman, LMSW

  • In-Person & Teletherapy

  • I'm dedicated to empowering you to explore your feelings, conquer the symptoms you're experiencing, navigate life transitions, and fortify your relationships using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) lens. Through a holistic, person-centered approach, I draw upon CBT tools and mindfulness practices to support your growth and well-being. In our sessions together, I'll help you recognize how your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are intertwined and possibly getting in the way of emotional freedom. navigate life's challenges, develop practical skills, and embrace profound shifts in perspective. I'm happy to be flexible and meet with you in person in our New York office or virtually. With compassion, empathy, and non-judgment, I aim to instill the belief that you can not only overcome obstacles but also thrive in this world.

cognitive behavior therapy nyc

3. Kristin Anderson, LCSW

  • In-Person & Teletherapy

  • I'm committed to empowering you to delve into your emotions, alleviate the symptoms you're facing, and strengthen your relationships through the lens of CBT Therapy. In my work, I use cognitive therapy strategies, along with building new coping skills, to help you achieve the changes you’re looking to make. My goal is to work with you to help understand the interconnectedness of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and how they may be creating roadblocks. Whether you're looking to work on trauma, panic attacks, relationship problems, we will tailor treatment to help you in whatever areas you feel stuck. Together, we'll navigate life's hurdles, cultivate new skills, and embrace transformative shifts in perspective. With empathy and a non-judgmental stance, my goal is to inspire confidence in your ability not only to overcome obstacles but also to thrive in all aspects of your life.

Get the evidence-based support you need to heal.

At Madison Square Psychotherapy in New York, our evidence based interventions, anchored in techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and more, offers you the support and guidance you need to navigate life's challenges effectively. If you're feeling stuck, it's important that you find a clinician with extensive experience and training who can personalize your treatment. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, mood disorders, trauma, or other mental health concerns, our compassionate and personalized care is here to empower you towards lasting positive change.

If you're ready to take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow and looking for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in NYC, we invite you to reach out to us. Together, we can embark on a path towards greater self-awareness, resilience, and well-being.